Wednesday, January 20, 2021


The Federal Skilled Worker Program is one of the most popular programs to immigrate to Canada. The reason why is because it is a program that allows you to apply for immigrating to Canada even though you are back home, so even without ever setting foot in Canada, you can enter this immigration stream. You can qualify and have good points. You can enter Canada already as a permanent resident of Canada as a new immigrant. It is also one of the cheapest way and fastest ways to immigrate to Canada. 

There are six selection factors to consider to qualify for the Federal Skilled Worker Program. These are language skills, education, work, experience, age, arranged employment, and adaptability, but before we can talk about the six selection factors, you need to know about the express entry. The federal skilled worker program is managed by an express entry, which is an online system that manages some of the federal programs. You need to be eligible for one of the federal immigration program to create a profile into the express entry. There are different points calculation considering the eligibility to enter the pool and the profile points that are going to be used to select you and issue an invitation to apply. The express entry will issue your invitation to apply based on the comprehensive ranking system points, which is the points assigned to your profile yet you can only create a profile into the express entry if you are eligible for one of the main federal immigration programs to be eligible to create a profile into the express entry through the federal skilled worker program. You must have at least six to seven points among the six selection factors that I mentioned above. 

I will explain one by one the most important selection factor for the federal skilled worker program is the proficiency level in English or French. You can use both or you can use one or another. The minimum requirement for you to be eligible to create a profile into the express entry system is to have an upper-intermediate level. We measure this level of proficiency through a unit called the Canadian language benchmark level or CLB. The government of Canada has a table, that determines what's the CLB level for each score that receives in one of the four abilities, speaking, writing, listening, and reading. The minimum score for you to qualify is to have CLB 7. If you choose to have IELTS General training for example to prove your proficiency level in English this means having at least six in all abilities in terms of eligibility for the federal skilled worker program. You can add between 16 to 24 points in regards to the proficiency level in the first language and up to four points regarding the level of proficiency in the second language in this case English or French. Always choose the language that you have the most proficient level as your primary language and if you want to add the second language will add the one that you have the least proficient level as the second language. When the eligibility points are transferred to your CRS points meaning to your express entry profile you can receive up to 160 points for language proficiency if you are single or up to 150 points for language in your profile if you are married. 

The second most important selection factor is education for the eligibility requirement for a federal skilled worker. You can earn up to 25 points for education. The minimum requirement for qualifying education is to have at least a high school. If you have a one-year diploma a little bit more points. You have a two-year diploma a little bit more. If you have a three-year diploma or bachelor's degree then the next level is two diplomas one must be of at least two years. Then masters and then Ph.D. as the maximum. You can earn up to 150 points for education if you are single and up to 140 points for education if you are married and your spouse can earn the additional 10 points for education according to their education level. 

The third selection criteria that I would like to talk about it is age. This can be a little bit confusing because it's very different when you consider what's the criteria for eligibility and what are the points that you receive in your express entry profile for your eligibility to the federal skilled worker program. You will earn maximum points which are 12 points if you are between 18 to 35 years old and you lose one point for every birthday until you reach 47 years old. You are not going to have any points for these criteria specifically which is an age in your eligibility profile but please bear in mind that even though you may not earn any points for the age criteria you still may qualify for the express entry pool when the age points are transferred to your express entry profile. The criteria are a little bit different you will earn maximum points if you are between 20 and30 years old to the maximum of 110 points if you are single and 100 points if you are married and after 30 years old you lose about 5points for every birthday. 

The next criteria that we are going to talk about are work experience specifically work experience outside Canada. You are required to demonstrate that you have at least one year of continuous full-time work experience in a skilled work occupation within the last 10 years the maximum points for the eligibility criteria for the federal skilled worker program. It is 15 points if you have only one year in the past 10 years. You are going to earn nine points if you have between two to three years of experience then you are going to earn 11points four to five years, 13 points and if you have six years or more you receive the maximum points of 15 points for the eligibility criteria when these points are translated to your profile. It can be a little bit confusing because you only receive points when assessing the combination of your work experience plus education work experience plus language skills or work experience outside Canada combined with work experience inside Canada and in this case, you can receive a maximum of 100 points into your express entry profile. These four most important selection criteria that you can have to be eligible for the federal skilled worker program I am still going to talk about the other two criteria that you need to know as well. 

The next criteria that I am going to talk about it are arranged employment you can receive10 points if you have a job offer in Canada but please be aware that if you have an employer in Canada that wants to hire you, that's not enough to give you points the employer needs to go through a sponsorship program for you to receive the points in this process. Your employer has to go through this process and has to prove to the Canadian government that there is no Canadian for the position and you are the most qualified. You can also receive points for these criteria on specific occasions where you qualify for an employer-specific work permit and you came to Canada and worked for at least one year for that employer. When the points of your arranged employment are transferred to the express entry profile. You can receive points according to the skill level type of your position. You will receive 200 points if your position is a skill level type 0 0 meaning your job offer is at the senior managerial level and you can receive 50 points if your position is a skill level type 0 a or b. 

The next selection factor that we are going to talk about is adaptability, which means everything that can help you to easily integrate into Canada will also count points to your eligibility. The maximum points for this selection factor are 10 points and you receive 5 points if you have a job offer. If your spouse also has an English proficiency level of at least Canadian language benchmark level 4 which pretty much means low intermediate so very easy to accomplish. You also receive points for these criteria if you or your spouse have already worked in Canada for at least one year. If you or your spouse have studied in Canada for at least two years, or if you have a relative in Canada, your relative must be connected with you at the first-degree level which means that needs to be either your mother or father your brother or sister. Your uncle or aunt your nephew or niece your grandparents or your grandchildren in terms of adaptability, not everything that you earn for eligibility will be transferred to your express entry points. You can earn points in your express profile if you have siblings in Canada, and you earn 15 points for that criteria and you can earn up to 20 points according to the level of proficiency that your spouse has in either English or French. So just a quick recap of what you need to do to be eligible to apply for the federal skilled worker program through the express entry system between the eligibility criteria you need to add at least 67 points and you can have up to 12 points for age up to 25 points for education up to 28 points for languages up to 15 points for work experience up to 10 points for arranged employment and up to 10 points for adaptability. 

There is no difference in terms of eligibility if you have more or fewer points. If you have at least 67points you are eligible to create a profile into the express entry system through your eligibility under the federal skilled worker problem. Studying in any country abroad in today's age isn't like what it used to be decades ago. Students now have multiple avenues that can help them reach abroad, get enrolled in a suitable course, and much more. They also have the most reason to study abroad because of the system of education they have in their own country. The education system is highly competitive, and each year it gets worse with higher cutoffs and with quotas or reservations for seats. A promising student might thus, miss out on proper education solely on either of these two factors.

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